Namun sisi arkeologi yang mencoba mengupas jejak-jejak peninggalan sejarah di kota lama ini belum banyak dilakukan. Karena semakin padat penduduk dan sarana transportasinya, akan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan klimatologi. Penelitian perkembangan kota juga diperlukan untuk penelitian sekunder dalam pengamatan perubahan kondisi klimatologi. Setelah banyak dikupas dari sisi sejarah, tata kota dan pariwisata, mulai berkembang penelitian mengenai konservasi dan kondisi fisik bangunannya. Tidak hanya sekedar obyek wisata, namun juga sebagai obyek penelitian yang tak ada habisnya. Kota lama Semarang, sebuah obyek yang menarik.
The evidence of the old fortress in Semarang old city now can only be found in the old map, therefore the archaeological research is to strengthen existence of this old fortress should be done. One part of this dissertation is analyze of the history of the object with using the historical approach and reviewing the literatures, which still open the opportunity for discussion about the losing archaeological evidence. However, the study from archaeology side of this object in order to analyze the historical traces that were not been done a lot. The research of city development is really needed to support the secondary research in order to observe the changing of climate condition. After being studied from many sides such as historical side, urban planning as well as tourism, now it is started to make a further study in the area of conservation and its physical condition. It is not just as a tourism object, but also never ending research object. The Semarang Old city is an interesting object. Old city, Dutch colonial building, research object. Staff Pengajar Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Sugijopranoto